For Business Owners
Beech Creek Capital invests from a single source of capital, which sets us apart from other types of buyers like traditional private equity funds or fundless sponsors.
We buy companies to hold them permanently, not to "flip" them. Since we do not have outside investors that require us to return capital in 3-5 years, we are free to focus on building long-term value. We seek to maintain relationships with employees, customers and the community.
We're flexible with respect to time horizon and deal structure. We work with sellers to accommodate their desired roles post-acquisition; tax considerations; buyout structure; financing; and other deal terms.
We can act quickly and always respect the seller's confidentiality.
Given our background as operators, we appreciate the concerns that business owners hold while contemplating an exit or transition. We promise to act with integrity and transparency throughout the acquisition process, and also to work closely with the seller to maintain the company's hard-earned reputation after the acquisition closes.